WMAR: Baltimore Black Sox to be memorialized in huge South Baltimore project


WMAR (Bryna Zumer)

BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Black Sox were a major part of the historical Negro Leagues baseball teams, and now they’re set to be honored in a big way in the South Baltimore community they once called home.

Two local nonprofits are looking to memorialize the Black Sox as part of a massive “Reimagine Middle Branch” project to redevelop the 11-mile stretch of the Patapsco River’s Middle Branch waterfront between the Cherry Hill, Westport and Port Covington (now “Baltimore Peninsula“) areas.

Parks & People is partnering with South Baltimore Gateway Partnership and multiple city agencies, as well as other stakeholders, on the Middle Branch redevelopment project. Lance noted: “One of the things that we’re doing as we’re doing this work is making sure that the history of the legacy residents are honored. The legacy residents for those communities, that 11-mile stretch, for the most part are predominantly African-American, and at one point in time, it was an African-American enclave because that was only one of the few places that racial policies allowed African-Americans [to] live.”

Read the full article here.