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communityBUILD Fundraising Workshop: Grant Writing 101 (virtual)

Thursday, February 20, 2025: 6:00 – 7:30pm

Register here.

Attendees will learn about the components of a successful grant proposal and best practices for approaching potential new funders.

About the presenter

Katie Sutton, CFRE

Katie is an accomplished fundraising professional with a decade ofexperience in nonprofit development and management. Currently serving as DeputyDirector at Business Volunteers Maryland, she specializes in relationshipdevelopment, fundraising strategy, and facilitation. Katie is dedicated todriving impactful nonprofit initiatives, especially related to education, andhas a proven track record in the Baltimore nonprofit sector. With a strongcommitment to philanthropy, she holds the Certified Fund Raising Executive(CFRE) credential. She is also a 2018 graduate of the civic engagement GIVEFellowship. Learn more and connect at linkedin.com/in/katiesuttoncfre/

If requesting accommodations for this meeting, please reach out one week in advance to cemmanuelle@sbgpartnership.org. SBGP will make reasonable accommodations as possible. 

   February 20
   6:00 pm - 7:30 pm